Every child is a different kind of flower and all together make this world a beautiful garden -Gandhi
Contact Us...
Stowey Bears Preschool
Mill Close, Nether Stowey, Bridgwater, Somerset
TA5 1JY​
T 01278 734636
Preschool mobile 07544744918 (we take this on our outings if you need us while we are around the village)
To register your child for a place at Stowey Bears, you will be required to complete a registration form. For more information, please contact Rachel Penny (manager) or Tina Miller (business and finance manager) on 01278 734636 or e-mail us at Stoweybearspreschool@outlook.com
A copy of our prospectus is available here.
We are situated immediately adjacent to Nether Stowey C.E V.C School and work very closely with the school to ensure children who go from Stowey Bears to the school have the smoothest possible transition.
More information about the school can be found on their website and within their prospectus